Friday 30 December 2016

What music would you play to an alien?

   Austin was a deaf; so the music, was a mistery for him, but, when he has 23 years old, his parents hear something about a new hearing aid, so, they said to him that he has to goes to the doctor to put it; so, when he put to him that, he was saturated because the sound of all the things.
   Now, when he goes to his house, he listen 4 or 5 hours of music.
   He said, that he prefer the silence because the noise.

Sunday 18 December 2016

I don't agree with that.

Hi again!!! some weeks before in my class of music, my teacher saw to all of my class some videos that I don't agree with some things:
     I desagree with all in this video; because, I think that it's imposible don't hear anything; for example: I think that you can hear your voice.
     I don't agree with the people that think that you can't play any instrument because your deaf; because, for example, that woman is deaf and she can hear, in a different way, but she can.

first term

We learn for a lot this term, and I want to share to all of you what is the pogress that I do; for example:

   -What did we learn about culture?
    We learnt about the bubble party party of New York, about the pillow fight of Barcelona, about the forbbiden city and about Arizona (the gran canyon...).

   -What I need to improve?
    I think that I need to improve the reading and a little bit the listening.

  -How can improve it?
   I thing that can improve it listening music in English and readind some books in English too.

  -What I do in English outside the class?
   I listen a lot of music in English and I sing all of them (or I can try to do that) and sometimes I read sometimes books in English (only in summer).


Hi guys!!! I'm so happy because the christmas call to us on the door. I like so much, because I can stay with all of my family (not all the days we can see them) only for that. 
I wish to all of you MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

Monday 5 December 2016

music vocabulary

Hi!! Today I speak about the vocabulary of the music:

   Pitch: is when a sound is low and high sounds.

   Dot: it adds half of the value.

   Fermata: it extends interrupting the measure.

   Intensity: is when a sound is loud and soft sounds.

   Hairpins: they are symbols that indicate a gradual change of intensity.

   Tied: this, join some notes for alarge the time.

   Tuning fork: are serves as a reference when tuning.

are 5 lines and 4 spaces to write the notes on.

   Accidentals: they modificate the sound of a note a tone or a semitone. They can be:

             Sharps, flats and naturals.

   Timbre: it allows us to distinguish between voices and instruments.

   Triplets: it's a group of notes perfomed in the time of two.

Movie maker and some vocabulary.

Some weeks ago, in music class I do a project that consist about you have to do a video with some images about some thing that you want with movie maker:

                     This video is about the mistery, the detectives and thiefs.

                     This; I have to play with the temps and the time.