Saturday, 21 October 2017

Rules in UK.

1.- In the U.K. you do can works at the age of 16.
2.- They can drink alcohol at the age of 18.
3.- They can smoke at the age of 18.
4.- They can't take a photo with a real guard.
5.- They must drive at the left of the road.
6.- They mustn't trow rubbish on the floor.
7.- They can drive at the age of 17, but the can't buy or rent a car at that age.
8.- They can hunt at the age of 18.

Sunday, 15 October 2017

Vocabulary of geography.

Knowledge: acquaintance with facts, truths or principles in the mind.
Environment: social and cultural surroundings.
Aims: have an objetive.
Nowadays: these days.
Relief: the ending or lessening of pain, distress, worry, fear...; alleviation.
Branches: an armlike devision of the stem of a tree or shrub.
Soil structure: is the relieve of the terrain.
Lithosphere: the solid portion of the earth.
Hydrosphere: the water on or surrounding the surface of the globe.
Counties: the largest local division of government in most states of the U.S.
Supranational: an international government.

Sunday, 1 October 2017

Word Cloud.

SCHOOL YEAR 2017/18.