Ingredients for 4 yogurts:
- One apple.
- Yogurt: This is an organic yogurt. It's make it because we put in a fungus called "kefir", that take the lactose; so, people that is lactose intolerant, can eat the yogurt.
Advice!: to do this yogurt, you have to leave the fungus in the yogurt 24 hours.
-Some raspberries.
-Two kiwis.
- Sesame seed and pine nuts.
1. Cut and mush the avocado in an apart bowl, it has to look like a purée.
2. Put the avocados in glasses.
3. Cut the apple and the banana.
4. Strain the yogurt with a non metalic spoon.
5. Mix all the fruits with the yogurt.
8. To end, set sesame seeds at the top and to decorate with some pine nuts. And that's all!
You must bring one of those to class. It seems delicious.