Thursday, 31 May 2018


Here is my work about the evolution of the clocks.


Charming: pleasing.
Selfish: caring only or chiefly for oneself.
Stubborn: unyielding.
Sensitive: readily or easily affected by stimuli.
Shy: timid.
Lazy: sluggish.

Pick on: treat someone unfairly.
Look up: respect someone.
Put up: accept something that is annoying.
Get on: have a friendly relationship with someone.
Turn to: go to someone for help or advice.
Fall out: stop being friends with someone because of an argument.
Tell off: speak angrily to someone for doing something wrong.

I get on well with my parents most of the time and I think we have a good relationship. When I have a problem, they are the first people that I turn to for help.For example, if people at school pick on me, they will always be very sensitive and helpful. My parents also put up with me when I'm moody or lazy. Luckily, we don't fall out very often, but when we do, we make up and forget about it quickly! I really look up to them and respect them, but there's one thing that reallyh annoys me. My mum always tells me off when I do something wrong,even for small things like leaving my shoes in the wrong place. The worst thing is that she tells meoff in front of my friends. It's so embarrasing. What should I do?

Sunday, 13 May 2018

Unit 6.- Creativity.

Bury: enterrar.
Destroy: destruir.
Dump: basurero.
Poison: veneno.
Pollute: contaminar.
Preserve: preservar.
Protect: proteger.
Recycle: reciclar.
Reduce: reducir.
Reuse: reutilizar.
Save: salvar.
Throw away: arrojar, tirar.

Automatic/manual: automático/manual.
Convenient/inconvenient: conveniente/inconveniente.
Efficient/inefficient: eficiente/ineficiente.
Fixed/portable: fijo/portable.
Heavy/light: pesado/ligero.
High-quality/low-quality: alta calidad/baja calidad.
Practical/impractical: práctico/impráctico.
Reliable/unreliable: fiable/ de poca confianza.
Time-saving/time-consuming: que ahorra tiempo/que consume tiempo.
Useful/useless: útil/inútil.


How is it cooked?
It's cooked on the grill/ in the oven/ in a pan
What's is that made with?
What does it come with?/ What is it served with?
It comes with.../ It's served with...
What has it got on?/ in it?
It's got ... on/ in it
That smells/ looks/ sounds/ tastes...
I don't the like smell/ look/ sound/ taste of that!
I'm fond/ not very fond of...
I'm keen/ not very keen on...
... are favourites/ is a favourite of mine
I can't resist...