Bury: enterrar.
Destroy: destruir.
Dump: basurero.
Poison: veneno.
Pollute: contaminar.
Preserve: preservar.
Protect: proteger.
Recycle: reciclar.
Reduce: reducir.
Reuse: reutilizar.
Save: salvar.
Throw away: arrojar, tirar.
Automatic/manual: automático/manual.
Convenient/inconvenient: conveniente/inconveniente.
Efficient/inefficient: eficiente/ineficiente.
Fixed/portable: fijo/portable.
Heavy/light: pesado/ligero.
High-quality/low-quality: alta calidad/baja calidad.
Practical/impractical: práctico/impráctico.
Reliable/unreliable: fiable/ de poca confianza.
Time-saving/time-consuming: que ahorra tiempo/que consume tiempo.
Useful/useless: útil/inútil.
How is it cooked?
It's cooked on the grill/ in the oven/ in a pan
What's is that made with?
What does it come with?/ What is it served with?
It comes with.../ It's served with...
What has it got on?/ in it?
It's got ... on/ in it
That smells/ looks/ sounds/ tastes...
I don't the like smell/ look/ sound/ taste of that!
I'm fond/ not very fond of...
I'm keen/ not very keen on...
... are favourites/ is a favourite of mine
I can't resist...
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