Wednesday, 22 May 2019


Formula: TMB=12,2 x peso + 746
                  The result it has to be multiplied by 1,2.

                  TMB = 12,2 x 49,8 + 746 es 1353,56
                  1353,56 x 1,2 = 1624,272 cal. = Kcal. that I can consume per day

                  Carbohydrates(50%)= 812,136 Kcal.
                  Proteins (30%)= 487,2816 Kcal.
                  Fats (20%)= 324,8544 Kcal.


Milk (a bowl): 79 Kcal.
            -Carbohydrates: 10g. = 40 Kcal.
            -Proteins: 3g. = 12 Kcal.
            -Fats: 3g.=  27 Kcal.

Lentils (100g.): 340 Kcal.
            -Carbohydrates: 60,1g. = 240,4 Kcal.
            -Proteins: 24,7g. = 98,8 Kcal.
            -Fats: 1,1g. = 9,9 Kcal.

Bread (100g.): 2x269 Kcal. =  538 Kcal.       
  -Carbohydrates: 50,5g. x 2 = 404 Kcal.
            -Proteins: 8,2g. x 2 = 65,6 Kcal.
            -Fats: 1,1g. x 2 = 19,8 Kcal.

Apple: 2x58 Kcal.= 116 Kcal.
            -Carbohydrates: 15,2 g. = 121,6 Kcal.
            -Proteins: 0,3 g. = 2,4 Kcal.
            -Fats: 0,2 g. = 3,6 Kcal.

Turkey fillets: 268 Kcal.
            -Carbohydrates: 0,5 g. = 2 Kcal.
            -Proteins: 20 g. = 80Kcal.
            -Fats: 20,1 = 180,9 Kcal.

Chocolate with milk (2 ounces): 2 x 542 Kcal.= 1084 Kcal.
            -Carbohydrates: 54 g. = 432 Kcal.
            -Proteins: 6 g. = 48 Kcal.
            -Fats: 33,5 g. = 301,5 Kcal.

Sole (1): 87 Kcal.
            -Carbohydrates: 0 g. = 0Kcal.
            -Proteins: 19 g. = 76 Kcal.
            -Fats: 0,5 g. = 4,5 Kcal.

In total, the amount of cal. that I consume in this diet is about 1611 cal. per day
The total of carbohydrates that I consume is about 1240Kcal. of the 812,136 Kcal. that I should consume.
’’’’ of proteins ’’’’ es de 382,8 ’’’’ 487,2816 Kcal.
’’’’ of fats """ is about 386,4 Kcal. of the 324,8544 Kcal. """"

If I so this, I will consume per day 1611 Kcal.


Fresh coconut: 296 Kcal.
  -Carbohydrates: 13,7g. = 54,8 Kcal.
            -Proteins: 3,5g. = 14 Kcal.
            -Fats: 27,2g. = 244,8 Kcal.

Banana: 2 x 85 Kcal.= 170Kcal.
  -Carbohydrates: 22,2g. (x2) = 177,6 Kcal.
            -Proteins: 1,1g. (x2) = 8,8 Kcal.
            -Fats: 0,2g. (x2) = 3,6Kcal.

Apple: 2 x 58 Kcal. = 116 Kcal.
            -Carbohydrates: 15,2g. x 2 = 121,6 Kcal.
            -Proteins: 0,3g. (x2) = 2,4 Kcal.
            -Fats: 0,2g. (x2) = 3,6 Kcal.

Fig: 62 Kcal.
            -Carbohydrates: 15,6 g. = 62,4 Kcal.
            -Proteins: 1,2 g. = 4,8 Kcal.
            -Fats: 0,2 g. = 1,8 Kcal.

Yogurt with fibers and fruits: 71 Kcal.
            -Carbohydrates: 12,5 g.= 50 Kcal.
            -Proteins: 4,7g. = 18,8 Kcal.
            -Fats: 0,2g. = 1,8 Kcal.
 Milk chocolate (1): 62 Kcal.
            -Carbohydrates: 10g.= 40 Kcal.
            -Proteins: 3g. = 12 Kcal.
            -Fats: 11g. = 99

White rice: 363 Kcal.
            -Carbohydrates: 75 Kcal.
            -Proteins: 8,5 Kcal.
            -Fats: 2,8 Kcal.

Lentils: 340 Kcal.
            -Carbohydrates: 60,1g. = 240,4 Kcal.
            -Proteins: 24,7g. = 98,8 Kcal.
            -Fats: 1,1g. = 9,9 Kcal.

Chick giblets: 103 Kcal.
  -Carbohydrates: 0,1g. = 0,4 Kcal.
            -Proteins: 17,5g. = 70 Kcal.
            -Fats: 3,1g. = 27,9 Kcal.

Soil: 87 Kcal.
  -Carbohydrates: 0 g. = 0 Kcal.
            -Proteins: 19g. = 76 Kcal.
            -Fats: 0,5g. = 4,5 Kcal.

Egg-white: 341 Kcal.
  -Carbohydrates: 1g.= 4 Kcal.
            -Proteins: 11g. = 44 Kcal.
            -Fats: 0,2g. = 1,8 Kcal.

Chicken breast: 111Kcal.
  -Carbohydrates: 0 g.= 0 Kcal.
            -Proteins: 22,39 g. = 89,56 Kcal.
            -Fats: 1,75 g. = 15,75 Kcal.

The total of carbohydrates that I'll consume if I follow this diet it'll be about 824,2 Kcal. of 812,136 Kcal. that I have to consume
’’’’ of proteins ‘’’’447,66 Kcal. of 487,2816 Kcal. ’’’’’’
’’’’ of fats ’’’’ 417,25 of 324,8544 Kcal.’’’’
If I do this diet, I will consume  Kcal.

Changes: The changes that I do in my diet as you can see, is a lot, for example:
It seems like I have to eat more food, but if we compare, all the things that I cosume in my actual diet, I will change some foods like the 1 ounce of chocolate for 2 apples and it will full myself like the othe ounce that I "eliminate" and for other much healthy and this process with all the food that I see that other food could be better for me and my body.

Wednesday, 15 May 2019


Hi, in TIC we had done a project about create an app, and my classmate David and me create one called InPhoto and now I'm going to explain it.

First of all,  you turn on the your phone and the app appears.

Next, when you use for the first time the app, the first thing that you have to do is to put the nickname that you want, your e-mail and the password that you want to put (to personalize your account in this app, and if you have to desinstale and instale again for any reason and you didn'teliminate your account, you can put your datum again and we will give you your personality account).

After this, it will materialize the main page of the app.

      Number 1: this is the galery; like in instagram, this app has a remote too for the photos that you saved for remember that place (that shop, restaurant, etc.).

(Go back).
      Number 2: it is for send the photo to any person by instagram, whtasapp, facebook, etc.

(Go back).

      Number 3: this picture is the "record".

(Go back).
      Number 4: in this app we have a record too to find the shop or restaurant that you want in areas near to you and then you will know how many minutes will you have to walk to go there.

(Go back).

      Number 5, 6 and 7: this numbers are our cameras of our mobile phones so you take a photo or a video of the thing that you want to find, and it will appear and the same with the galery of our mobiles, you select one photo or video that is in there and it will appear.

      Number 8: this number it's called "for you" and it works like this: relaying of the things that you search, this section will recomend you the same tipe of things or the things that you will be interested in.

And this is our app. Hope you like it!