Wednesday, 22 May 2019


Formula: TMB=12,2 x peso + 746
                  The result it has to be multiplied by 1,2.

                  TMB = 12,2 x 49,8 + 746 es 1353,56
                  1353,56 x 1,2 = 1624,272 cal. = Kcal. that I can consume per day

                  Carbohydrates(50%)= 812,136 Kcal.
                  Proteins (30%)= 487,2816 Kcal.
                  Fats (20%)= 324,8544 Kcal.


Milk (a bowl): 79 Kcal.
            -Carbohydrates: 10g. = 40 Kcal.
            -Proteins: 3g. = 12 Kcal.
            -Fats: 3g.=  27 Kcal.

Lentils (100g.): 340 Kcal.
            -Carbohydrates: 60,1g. = 240,4 Kcal.
            -Proteins: 24,7g. = 98,8 Kcal.
            -Fats: 1,1g. = 9,9 Kcal.

Bread (100g.): 2x269 Kcal. =  538 Kcal.       
  -Carbohydrates: 50,5g. x 2 = 404 Kcal.
            -Proteins: 8,2g. x 2 = 65,6 Kcal.
            -Fats: 1,1g. x 2 = 19,8 Kcal.

Apple: 2x58 Kcal.= 116 Kcal.
            -Carbohydrates: 15,2 g. = 121,6 Kcal.
            -Proteins: 0,3 g. = 2,4 Kcal.
            -Fats: 0,2 g. = 3,6 Kcal.

Turkey fillets: 268 Kcal.
            -Carbohydrates: 0,5 g. = 2 Kcal.
            -Proteins: 20 g. = 80Kcal.
            -Fats: 20,1 = 180,9 Kcal.

Chocolate with milk (2 ounces): 2 x 542 Kcal.= 1084 Kcal.
            -Carbohydrates: 54 g. = 432 Kcal.
            -Proteins: 6 g. = 48 Kcal.
            -Fats: 33,5 g. = 301,5 Kcal.

Sole (1): 87 Kcal.
            -Carbohydrates: 0 g. = 0Kcal.
            -Proteins: 19 g. = 76 Kcal.
            -Fats: 0,5 g. = 4,5 Kcal.

In total, the amount of cal. that I consume in this diet is about 1611 cal. per day
The total of carbohydrates that I consume is about 1240Kcal. of the 812,136 Kcal. that I should consume.
’’’’ of proteins ’’’’ es de 382,8 ’’’’ 487,2816 Kcal.
’’’’ of fats """ is about 386,4 Kcal. of the 324,8544 Kcal. """"

If I so this, I will consume per day 1611 Kcal.


Fresh coconut: 296 Kcal.
  -Carbohydrates: 13,7g. = 54,8 Kcal.
            -Proteins: 3,5g. = 14 Kcal.
            -Fats: 27,2g. = 244,8 Kcal.

Banana: 2 x 85 Kcal.= 170Kcal.
  -Carbohydrates: 22,2g. (x2) = 177,6 Kcal.
            -Proteins: 1,1g. (x2) = 8,8 Kcal.
            -Fats: 0,2g. (x2) = 3,6Kcal.

Apple: 2 x 58 Kcal. = 116 Kcal.
            -Carbohydrates: 15,2g. x 2 = 121,6 Kcal.
            -Proteins: 0,3g. (x2) = 2,4 Kcal.
            -Fats: 0,2g. (x2) = 3,6 Kcal.

Fig: 62 Kcal.
            -Carbohydrates: 15,6 g. = 62,4 Kcal.
            -Proteins: 1,2 g. = 4,8 Kcal.
            -Fats: 0,2 g. = 1,8 Kcal.

Yogurt with fibers and fruits: 71 Kcal.
            -Carbohydrates: 12,5 g.= 50 Kcal.
            -Proteins: 4,7g. = 18,8 Kcal.
            -Fats: 0,2g. = 1,8 Kcal.
 Milk chocolate (1): 62 Kcal.
            -Carbohydrates: 10g.= 40 Kcal.
            -Proteins: 3g. = 12 Kcal.
            -Fats: 11g. = 99

White rice: 363 Kcal.
            -Carbohydrates: 75 Kcal.
            -Proteins: 8,5 Kcal.
            -Fats: 2,8 Kcal.

Lentils: 340 Kcal.
            -Carbohydrates: 60,1g. = 240,4 Kcal.
            -Proteins: 24,7g. = 98,8 Kcal.
            -Fats: 1,1g. = 9,9 Kcal.

Chick giblets: 103 Kcal.
  -Carbohydrates: 0,1g. = 0,4 Kcal.
            -Proteins: 17,5g. = 70 Kcal.
            -Fats: 3,1g. = 27,9 Kcal.

Soil: 87 Kcal.
  -Carbohydrates: 0 g. = 0 Kcal.
            -Proteins: 19g. = 76 Kcal.
            -Fats: 0,5g. = 4,5 Kcal.

Egg-white: 341 Kcal.
  -Carbohydrates: 1g.= 4 Kcal.
            -Proteins: 11g. = 44 Kcal.
            -Fats: 0,2g. = 1,8 Kcal.

Chicken breast: 111Kcal.
  -Carbohydrates: 0 g.= 0 Kcal.
            -Proteins: 22,39 g. = 89,56 Kcal.
            -Fats: 1,75 g. = 15,75 Kcal.

The total of carbohydrates that I'll consume if I follow this diet it'll be about 824,2 Kcal. of 812,136 Kcal. that I have to consume
’’’’ of proteins ‘’’’447,66 Kcal. of 487,2816 Kcal. ’’’’’’
’’’’ of fats ’’’’ 417,25 of 324,8544 Kcal.’’’’
If I do this diet, I will consume  Kcal.

Changes: The changes that I do in my diet as you can see, is a lot, for example:
It seems like I have to eat more food, but if we compare, all the things that I cosume in my actual diet, I will change some foods like the 1 ounce of chocolate for 2 apples and it will full myself like the othe ounce that I "eliminate" and for other much healthy and this process with all the food that I see that other food could be better for me and my body.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Elía!

    First of all, you had to upload to the blog only exercise 3. On the other hand, your comment is somewhat confusing, you could explain it better.
