Sunday, 16 December 2018

Physical Assesment.

1.- What is the FNP?
The FNP is a combination of techniques, that helps (to the people that practise it) to improve the flexibility.

  - First you have to do a passive streching (20 seconds).
  - After this, you have to do the isometric contraction (20 seconds).
  - Third, you jave to take a break (3 or 5 seconds).
  - And then, you have to do the maximumin the passive streching (20 seconds).

  - The cuadriceps:you have to be up against the wall and then, someone have to take your foot and try to put it in your back (with the hip always be up against the wall).
  - Hamstrings: you have to sit down in front a wall with the feet touching it (the wall) and then, someone have to be behind you pushing your back while you put your arms ahead trying to touch the wall.

Resultado de imagen para the cuadriceps ejercicio                                   Resultado de imagen para the hamstring ejercicio

2.- The General Syndrome.
Is the process (of three phases) your body, when you are stressed that consist by assault-reaction.

  -First phase: Alarm reaction stage.
  Are the inicial symptoms the body experiences when you are under stress. The body start to answer with "fight or escape". These reactions is for make ready in front od dangerous situations. The heart rate and the adrenalin grow and the suprarenal gland start to releases cortisol.
  -Second phase: Resistance stage.
  If you don't solve the stress, your body will continue to secret the stress hormone and your blood pressure remains elevated and this effects will cause you exhaustion stage. This phase includes:

  • Irritability: it's usually refer to anger or frustration.
  • Frustration: arises from the perceived to the fulfillment of an individual's will or goal and it's increase when a will or goal is denided or blocked. 
    • Internal frustration: arise from challenges in fuilling personal goals.
    • External frustration: it involve conditions outside an individual's control
  • And poor concentration.

  -Third phase: Exhaustion stage.
  If you have cronic stress, it will drain your physical, emotional and mental resources with effects like:

  • Fatigue: is a symptom that provocate (physical or mental) tired and exhaustion.
  • Burnout: exhaustion of physical or emotional strength or motivation, usually as a result of prolonged stress or frustration.
  • Depression: is a mental disorder that provocate feelings of sadnessand a loss of interest in activities once enjoyed.
  • Anxiety: is a mental ilness too and this blocks you to continue with oyur normal life.
  • Decreased stress tolerance.
  • And weaking your inmune system.

Resultado de imagen para 3.- The Threshold law by Arnold Schultz.

3.- The Threshold law  by Arnold Schultz.
This law explain the bodys adaptation as the result of physical efforts propose as a consecutive and appropiate way (in order to start to assimilate correctly). There are four cases:
  - The first case is so far of the threshold, because there isn't training so therearen't improvements.
  - In the second case, you can do the training if you do the works some times, but you will have more fatigue and efficiency reduction.
  - The third case it's the best, here you get technique, muscular improvements...
  -And the last case is where you won't have any tipe of improve, infact this case is where you have fatigue and an over training.

4.- The training Load.
training load is textual feedback on the strenuousness of a single training session. Training load calculation is based on the based on the consumption of critical energy resources (carbohidrates and proteins) during exercise.
  - External load: refers to all player's locomotor movements and can be measured using electronictracking systems.
  - Internal load: refers to be always positive and to be not stressed.

5.- The principles of training by Oliver (1985) and Zintl (1991).

  • Refers to the start to the stimulus of the physical conditioning.
  • Refers to the start with the systems that go to the specific stimulus.
  • Refers to the start of the answer of that specific stimulus.
  • The starts that start the adaptation.
  • the starts that guarantee the adaptation.
  • And the starts that apply a specific control of the adaptation. 

Sunday, 9 December 2018

My Self-Assessment

  • What can I do that I couldn't do before?
So, in this term I speak more faster than the last yearso i think that this is one example of things that I can do now but before I couldn't.

  • What did I like the most?
The thing that I liked the most was the project of Sway.

  • What did I do well?
I think that I did well was the listening, because now I can understand better when a person speak in English.

  • What am I confused about?
I'm confused about what will we dothis term.
  • What did I do in English outside the class?
When I'm out of English class, I listen to Emglish music and I see some series in English.

  • What do I need to improve?
I need to improve the translation a lot and the vocabulary too.

  • What did I learn about culture?
This term I learnt a lot of things like: the evolution of the advertisments, about the consecuences of the bulling and about the new technologies and how the future will improve with them.


Hi here is my sway presentation, it's about Tik Tok and I have done it with Cristina.

Friday, 30 November 2018


Bargain: a purchase to one'sadventage.
Supplier: to provide (something needed) to a person.
Bid: is an offer.


Wide / Narrow.


Refund: to give back or restore.
Charge: to ask (money) for payment.
Purchase: to get or obtein by the payment of money, buy.
Select: to choose in preference.
Supply: to provide with what is needed.
Consume: to use up.
Browse: to look through or glance at casually.


It's peltin with rain!: It's raining a lot!
It's raining heavinly!: It's raining "with furious"!
It's never too late!: You can do everithing even if its late to do it!
How on earth!: How you can?!
The ultimate: the product is very new.

Wednesday, 14 November 2018


Spare: free time.
Fundraising auctions: is a way to raise money for your cause.
Bidder: a person or organization making a formal offer for something, especially at an auction.
Skill: the ability to do something well; expertise.
Tips: extremes.
Appliances: a device or piece of equipment designed to perform a specific task.
Devices: a piece of mechanical or electronic equipment.
Wheels: a circular object that revolves on an axle and is fixed below a vehicle or other object to enable it to move over the ground.

Unit 2.

Exaggerate: is to say something is much bigger or better than it is.
Appeal: is to be atractive or interesting to people.
Broadcast: is to send out information on the radio or TV.
Advertise: is to tell people the benefits of a service or product to buy it.
Inform: is to tell people facts about something.
Appear: perform or speak where you are seen by a lot of people.
Claim: say something is true although you might not be able to prove it.
Convince: succeed in making somebody believe something.
Promote: tell people about a service or product to make it popular.
Recommend: say something is good or useful.

Tuesday, 6 November 2018

Ads: Catchy Phrases.

 Resultado de imagen para apple slogan

                          Think different.

Imagen relacionada

        It all starts with a Nescafé.

Imagen relacionada            

                 Impossible is nothing.

                                                         Think different.

Saturday, 27 October 2018

Idioms 2.

Aching heart: feeling of sadness or pain that one has when love has been lost or has faded.
Eat one's heart out: feeling negative emotions like jealusy, anguish or bitterness about something.
Follow one's heart: to do something according to one's feeling.
Have a heart of stone: to be cold and unfriendly; showing no sympathy to others
Heavy heart: a feeling of unhappiness or being weighed dowm with sorrow (very sad, sadness).

Tuesday, 16 October 2018


Teasing: to irritate someone with jokes, playful words or actions.
Gossiping: a perosn who enjoys or indulges in gossip.
Threats: a perosn who threatens.
Harassment: to trouble by repeated attacks.

Unit 1.

Fall out: unexpected or incidental effect.
Conceited: having an excessively favorable opinion of one's abilities, appearance,etc.
Achivements: something successfully accompished.
Enrage: to make extremely angry.
Hustle: a scheme of persuading someone to buy something unprofitable.
Bustle: to move or act with great energy.
Cheer: give comfort or support to.
Guilty: to blame.
Value: consider the importance of.
Eager: having or showing interest.

Starter Unit.

Hack into: access without authorization.
Pop up (ads): advertisment.
Boot up: Switch on.
Back up: make copies.
Hook up: connect.


Have a whale of time: dance all night long.
A party animal: a person who enjoys going to parties.
Throw a party: to hold or arrange a party.
Party pooper: a person who spoils or ruins a party because of not taking part of the activity or by leavimg early.
Dance the night away: to have a great or an enjoyable time.
Bouncer: a person who is emploed at a bar.
Party foul: something socially unaceptable done in a social gathering.
Socially unaceptable: something that is looked down upon by the older generations.
Social butterfly: someone who is very social and easy going.
Wallflower: someone shy.
Party crasher: someone that invites himself in a party he isn't even invited to.
Wet blanket: someone who ruin other people's good times.

Sunday, 23 September 2018

Hello School.

Hi! How are you? What do you do during the summer?
Today I want to speak about the new school year. For example, this year I could choose the subjects that I want, I don't now yet if I will win or not with that decision, but they are, for the moment, interesting and I want to think that I will win, so...😁😁😁 I wish you a good school year!
Good bye!

Imagen relacionada

Wednesday, 19 September 2018

Self evaluation.

In this third and last term, I think that I have improve the speaking thanks to Michael (that did the classes more entretaining), I have learn a lot of new vocabulary and grammar, like the conditionals.
And this summer I won't leave the English, so I will read a lot of books in English and I will listen and sing songs in English.

Imagen relacionada

Tuesday, 5 June 2018

The frontal plank.

In this picture, we can see how to do a frontal plank.
To do a plank we have to support our weight with the forearms and the tip of the feet, The back has to be straight. In this exercise, we improve the stabilizers, the spine and the abdominals.




Thursday, 31 May 2018


Here is my work about the evolution of the clocks.


Charming: pleasing.
Selfish: caring only or chiefly for oneself.
Stubborn: unyielding.
Sensitive: readily or easily affected by stimuli.
Shy: timid.
Lazy: sluggish.

Pick on: treat someone unfairly.
Look up: respect someone.
Put up: accept something that is annoying.
Get on: have a friendly relationship with someone.
Turn to: go to someone for help or advice.
Fall out: stop being friends with someone because of an argument.
Tell off: speak angrily to someone for doing something wrong.

I get on well with my parents most of the time and I think we have a good relationship. When I have a problem, they are the first people that I turn to for help.For example, if people at school pick on me, they will always be very sensitive and helpful. My parents also put up with me when I'm moody or lazy. Luckily, we don't fall out very often, but when we do, we make up and forget about it quickly! I really look up to them and respect them, but there's one thing that reallyh annoys me. My mum always tells me off when I do something wrong,even for small things like leaving my shoes in the wrong place. The worst thing is that she tells meoff in front of my friends. It's so embarrasing. What should I do?

Sunday, 13 May 2018

Unit 6.- Creativity.

Bury: enterrar.
Destroy: destruir.
Dump: basurero.
Poison: veneno.
Pollute: contaminar.
Preserve: preservar.
Protect: proteger.
Recycle: reciclar.
Reduce: reducir.
Reuse: reutilizar.
Save: salvar.
Throw away: arrojar, tirar.

Automatic/manual: automático/manual.
Convenient/inconvenient: conveniente/inconveniente.
Efficient/inefficient: eficiente/ineficiente.
Fixed/portable: fijo/portable.
Heavy/light: pesado/ligero.
High-quality/low-quality: alta calidad/baja calidad.
Practical/impractical: práctico/impráctico.
Reliable/unreliable: fiable/ de poca confianza.
Time-saving/time-consuming: que ahorra tiempo/que consume tiempo.
Useful/useless: útil/inútil.


How is it cooked?
It's cooked on the grill/ in the oven/ in a pan
What's is that made with?
What does it come with?/ What is it served with?
It comes with.../ It's served with...
What has it got on?/ in it?
It's got ... on/ in it
That smells/ looks/ sounds/ tastes...
I don't the like smell/ look/ sound/ taste of that!
I'm fond/ not very fond of...
I'm keen/ not very keen on...
... are favourites/ is a favourite of mine
I can't resist...

Friday, 23 March 2018


In this term, I did a lot of things like projects about healthy meal, Ottawa...
And I have realized that I have to improve some things like the translation and perhaps the speaking. So the conclusion is that I have to read more, to speak more, to sing more...
But I improve pronunciation thanks to the reading book that we have read.


Hello! I did this project about OTTAWA and did it with Marina.

Saturday, 10 March 2018

Madame Doubtfire - Chapters 1 to 10 -.

Turned to: move look at.
Advert: anuncio.
Wiped: limpiar.
Warn: advertir.
Nodded: asentir.
Arrange: colocar.
Town hall: ayuntamiento.
Appointment: cita.
Leaned: delgado.
Jealous: celoso.
Selfish: egocéntrico.
Shining: limpísimo.
Arguin: discutir.
Sheets: sábanas.
Sharp: afilados.

Unit 5.- a life of crimes.

Criminals and crime fighters.
Armed robber: ladrón armado.
Burglar: ladrón de casas, autobuses...
Blugary: robo de casas, autobuses...            
Fraudster: estafador.
Mugger: asaltador, atracador.
Mugging: asalto, atraco.
Traffic warden: guardia de tráfico.

Arson: incendio provocado.
Blackmail: chantage.
Forgery: falsificación.
Identify theft: robo de identidad.
Kidnapping: secuestro de personas, cosas...
Mugging: asalto, atraco.
Pickpocketing: robo de trajetas.
Smuggling: contrabando.

Friday, 9 March 2018

Organic yogurt with fruit tartar.

Hello! In this project, I have worked with Marina and this is our recipe: Organic yogurt with fruit tartar. In our recipe we did a little change, instead of put  all the fruits at the top, we decided to put them between the layers. I hope you like it!

Ingredients for 4 yogurts:

- One avocado.
- One apple.
- Yogurt: This is an organic yogurt. It's make it because we put in a fungus called "kefir", that take the lactose; so, people that is lactose intolerant, can eat the yogurt.
Advice!: to do this yogurt, you have to leave the fungus in the yogurt 24 hours.
-Some raspberries.
-Two kiwis.
- Sesame seed and pine nuts.


1. Cut and mush the avocado in an apart bowl, it has to look like a purée.

2. Put the avocados in glasses.

3. Cut the apple and the banana.   

4. Strain the yogurt with a non metalic spoon.

5. Mix all the fruits with the yogurt.


6. Cut the raspberries. We recommend you to put a little bit of seeds.

7. Place the kiwi and add some seeds.

8. To end, set sesame seeds at the top and to decorate with some pine nuts. And that's all!

Thursday, 8 February 2018

Vocabulary of units 3 and 4.

Newsagent's: a shopkeeper who sells newspapers, stationery, etc.
Bargain: an agreement between parties.
Be worth: compensate.
Brands: make or version of a product.
Join in: participate.
Catch up: reach someone who is in front of you.
Try out: test something to see how good it is.
Picked up: learn a new skill by chance.
Taken up: start a new hobby.
Miss out: lose an opportunity to do something enjoyable.
Wakeboarding: the sport of riding over water on a short surfboard.
Trail biking: descent a mountain with a bike.
Amusing: funny.
Annoying: irritating.
Upseting: to overturn.
Browse: navigate.
Plug: connect.
Scroll: to move a cursor smoothly.
Stream: unload.
Swipe: to slide.
Tap: press.
Update: bring up to date.
Crack: fracture.

Thursday, 25 January 2018

Unit 3 -Second Term-.

Choices, choices.
Functional lenguage. Reaching an agreement.

I suggest(I, you, we, etc).../Why don't we...?
Let's.../Shall we...?/ We could...(+infinitive).
What about...? How about...?(+ -ing).
I'm happy to...(+infinitive).
That sounds like a good plan/ doesn't work for me.
That's not  a bad idea, but how about...? (+ing).
That could be a bit difficult. What about...? (+ -ing).
How does that sound?
Do we all agree?
Is everyone happy to go with that idea?


Marina: Next Friday it's rocio's birthday, so we need to buy her a present.
Elia: Shall we buy her a T-shirt?
Conchi: that doesn't work for me, I prefer to buy some lip balms and a dress.
Marina and Elia: That's sounds like a bad idea.
Conchi: Ok, that's sounds ike a bad plan...
Elia: We could buy her some jellewery, for example: rings, earings...
Marina: No, she doesn't use any jewellery; and what about plane a ticket to California?
Elia: That could be good.
Conchi: That works for me.
Marina: Ok, so let's buy it!